Monday, 14 October 2013

Capt Ayush Bansal

What is life?
I generally prefer to start with this question whenever I take up anything to write about. And why is that, you may ask. Well… I am a strong believer of the fact that everything in our life happens for a reason and based on the stereotype, we tend to overlook its core purpose during its occurrence. Let me try to explain myself further. Events keep occurring in our lives pretty much every day. Be it small, big, significant or not so significant. We have a response towards every event. Every occurrence brings out certain emotions from within us. Certain things like going for a movie with our friends and chilling out suddenly brings a wide smile on our face while on the other hand, losing our car keys makes us panic and gives us really negative vibes. But we focus more on those immediate emotions that come out as our natural reactions at that time. But is that the real reason why those things happen to us? No.
I totally agree with this cliché “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want”. So, I believe that no matter what happens to us in life, be it good or bad, there is always something good in it. And that good thing is called EXPERIENCE.

Hi. My name is Ayush Bansal. I live in Gurgaon, Haryana. A family of five. Mom, dad, two siblings and me. I would like to share a phase of my life with all the readers with the intent of being able to convey as much positivity as I can through my words.
This starts back when I had just passed 12th standard. Just like the majority of mediocre science students, I was hoping to make it within the last cut off list of some decent engineering college. My dad used to run a departmental store back then which used to serve the family decent enough. When I say decent, I mean to an extent where we could unwaveringly yet modestly, call ourselves the middle class. We never had to think twice before spending on our needs, but we knew that expecting luxury would only lead to disappointment. Anyway, I was glad that I had got admission in Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Engg College, Pune. Now one fine day, I was generally talking to a customer at dad’s store and turned out that he was flying as a pilot with Spicejet. I was always very curious about the field of aviation but never found out much about it. So I kept asking him questions and he was sweet enough to entertain me on them. So, by the end of the conversation, I had a basic idea of what one needs to do to get into this career. So, in the night during dinner, I was generally talking to my dad and very casually I told him about this conversation I had. Trust me; I had no intention of seeking my dad’s opinion on it as I knew it was not something that lied within our affordability. So he was listening to me patiently and after I was done, he asked me how much one has to spend on the whole course. I told him casually its approx 20-25 lacs according to what he had told me. And there it was… a silence for a few seconds. Nobody said anything for a few seconds and my brother and dad were looking at each other. I was wondering what they were thinking as I had no clue they meant to consider it. After that brief pause, my dad says with a casual tone… “theek hai… kar le flying”. I could not believe what my ears had just heard. I was overjoyed and pleasantly surprised at my family’s support. Within a couple of days, I was on it. Quite quickly, I realized that I had a really good aptitude for flying as I was able to get a good grasp on aerodynamics without any guidance just using google. I often found myself really engrossed into studying materials related to aviation technologies. Things were going well and I started with the process. The first hurdle was a Class 2 medical test. For those who don’t know, it’s really easy to pass. Pretty much a cake walk for almost everyone… well… “Almost”. I had always been a fat kid in the school but I never really realized how fat I was till I found out I was turned down on the medical because my hemoglobin was low, BP slightly high, Blood cholesterol was high and last but not the least, I weighed 102kgs.
I was disheartened. Felt like someone had dangled my favorite chocolate in front of me and took it back when I was about to grab it. But it was too late to back out. I had completely determined myself to do anything it takes to get there. I really wanted that “chocolate” bad. I spoke to the doctor and found out what I needed to do. She said that according to my height, in order for me to be able to even get within the maximum permissible range, I needed to shed at least 15kgs. I nodded.

The very next day, I woke up in the morning and went out for jogging. Within 200mtrs of running, I was panting like crazy and felt like my heart was going to explode. So, I decided to do it under guidance and hence I joined a gym the same day. My instructor was very helpful and guided me throughout the process. I started running daily and before I knew, my stamina had become far, far better than the average. I had decided to not give up. It was not in the list of options. I used to just keep running… never even thought that I am tired or that I need rest or that I can’t. The results were obvious. Within a matter of 80 days of workout, I had shed 23kgs off my body and I had excavated a well built handsome boy out of myself. I not only easily cleared my Class 2 medical; I even cleared my Class 1 medical without any limitations. It was one of the best feelings I had ever had. All of a sudden, everyone’s attitude towards me seemed to have changed. People suddenly wanted to talk to me. I started getting attention. People used to come to my dad’s store and ask me where my elder brother was and I used to tell them it’s me. Girls seemed to be attracted to me… I couldn’t recall having as much of female company ever before… hahaha…
Anyway, the process had just begun. There was a long way to go and I was nowhere near tired. I used to keep going to the office of DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) every now and then to get more information about what I needed to do ahead and to make sure that I don’t take any wrong step or don’t skip anything important. Now, I had to take Ground Classes in order to clear the exams that DGCA conducted to qualify you to become a pilot. I started with the classes and yet again I was really impressed with myself. A student who had been a mediocre 60 to 70 percent scorer all his life suddenly seemed to be one of the brightest in the class. The class was humongous with strength of more than 200 students. I made some friends quickly. It was a very different experience than regular school classes. The students were of all ages from 18 to 45 or even more. The trainer was a retired IAF Squadron Leader who was then flying for Air Deccan. He was an incredible teacher but extremely strict. He could yell and insult you in front of everyone to an extent that you could crack up and burst out in tears. All the students were treated similarly. Anyway, I would often find myself surrounded by several students who used to approach me to clarify their doubts after the class. I was getting all the attention I could have dreamt of and I was simply loving it.

But again… that was my immediate feeling… I knew that there was a bigger picture. I had to continue the hard work. Generally, whenever students pass their high school and start looking for colleges related to their career, their families are always there to help them. Even my elder brother and my dad helped me till the time I was trying to get into engineering colleges, but now, I had to do everything on my own as nobody in my family background had ever been into aviation so they did not have any knowledge about it. But I had no complains. The fact that my father was willing to pay an amount that would ask him to pretty much squeeze out everything he could; was more than anything I could have asked for. After I finished my classes, I found out that I could not appear for the qualifying exams due to some changes in regulations made by DGCA. So, now was the turn for my big step. I had to go abroad for my flying training. I was an 18 year old guy from a simple family who had never stepped out of home to go out of the city alone. To go abroad alone was understandably more than an errand. I had been an average fat kid all my life who was suddenly injected with something like a “confidence serum”, but still I found myself not mature enough to make decisions like where to go for training, where to live, how to go about it, which airline to fly, how much would the living expenditure be, how to get the visa etc. I told my dad about it and he did everything he could to help me out. I also sought for help from Capt B P Singh, the guy who used to come down to my dad’s store. Finally, it was decided. I was going to the USA for my training. My dad took a loan which added to the pressure but he asked me not to worry and just go. Visa was done.
22nd March 2007. I had to leave tonight. Everything was packed. I had packed everything keeping the worst case scenario in mind. I normally preferred to travel light, but I didn’t want to risk anything. I was ready. There was an adrenaline rush down my spine. I was very excited, yet nervous like I had never been. I could feel my feet shaking. It was 7pm. I had to leave. I touched my mom’s feet and bid my sister good bye. My dad and brother were accompanying me to the airport. We reached. Bid good bye. Emotional outburst was a prick of a pin away. But we all held it in. I boarded the flight and took off. Due to technical errors there were delays which consequently lead to further delay as I missed the connecting flight. All in all, my journey that was supposed to be for 27 hours, turned out to be 56 hours. I had a lot of time on my hands. The nervousness was soon gone. I was sitting at the front seat towards the window. That is my favorite seat. I was looking outside through the window and trust you me, looking out through the school bus window or an airplane window can be the best philosophy class. I was in deep thoughts. I was feeling very good thinking about all that I had done to be where I was. It made me realize something. If you ever decide to take up something in life, you will find brick walls. Those brick walls are like hurdles in your way of the pursuit. The brick walls are there for a reason. They are not to keep us out; they are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way around.
Finally, I landed on the American soil. I got out of the airplane and it was an incredible feeling. I was extremely excited. It was quite evident as I had not slept for more than an hour during the whole flight and even now, I was fresh as a daisy. I contacted my school administrator and I felt really warm to know that she sounded really worried about me and said they had been trying to track me for several hours. I was picked up by the flying school van and taken to the apartments where most of the fellow students lived. I took an apartment on rent and as I had gone alone, I had no one to share the apartment with. Within a couple of days, I got familiar with the surroundings and the flight school and pretty much everything that I needed. Finally, after all the formalities, my flying training started. I discovered my problem of air sickness. I was not as pleased as I should have been after my first flight. My instructor was very supportive and said it was normal, but I was very wary of it. For the first few hours of my training, I use to get sick in a few minutes after takeoff. I even threw up once… hahaha… thank god they have sick bags in those things. Slowly, things got better and I started loving it. Now I enjoyed my flying training a lot and it was an amazing learning experience. I still remember the day I got my first solo. It was an emotional day. I still have the T shirt that I received from my flight school that day. All the students signed on it and wrote stuff on it congratulating me. Whenever I see that T shirt, I can’t describe how warm and nice I feel. I was fortunate enough to get the best of the instructors throughout my training. Me and my friends used to plan cross country flights and used to fly for hours during the night time. Sometimes, we even used to take off in a few different planes and the fleet used to the same destination. We’d chat on the common frequency and have a great time. We would park our planes at our destination airport and borrow a car from the FBO’s and visit nice places nearby or go to some nice restaurant for dinner. We’d swap our flight partners on the way back. We not just accompanied each other during fun times, we also very sincerely helped each other whenever it was needed, be it in studies, or even otherwise. Nevertheless, one after the other, I kept stepping on new milestones as I proceeded with my training. A lot of times when I flew solo, I remember looking down and thanking my parents. I knew that there are a lot of people who wish to just sit in an airplane once just as a passenger. And I was flying that thing.
Anyway, I wouldn’t say that the whole training period was a cake walk and that everything went hunky dory. There were a lot of setbacks. The training that was supposed to be for 7 months ended up becoming 13 months long, at times due to bad weather, technical problems etc. There was a lot of frustration you could see in all the students’ eyes as the delay in the course’s completion was testing everyone’s patience. After all, most of us were teenagers; little did we know about patience back then. Now when I think about the time we spent in the US, despite of the fact that we did have a lot of fun there, but when I recall the times when I used to get frustrated and tensed, I so badly wish I could relive that time again for there was so much more we could have done. There were so many places around that we left unexplored. But I guess that’s the way you learn from your experience. Whenever my patience ran out on me, I tried to calm myself down and reminded myself, “Hey! What are the brick walls for?”
Finally, I cleared all my test flights with flying colors and my training was finished. These 13 months had been the steepest learning curve of my life. The experience I gained was incredible. I was a different person now. More matured, more experienced. I was gradually stepping into the shoes of a man from being a boy. But I knew that it doesn’t finish here either.
Even after over four years, I still go through my pictures and videos from my training time and it gives me the same pleasant nostalgia every time I go through them. That was a time that can never be forgotten. It was like a perfect mixture of independence and responsibility thrown at you in disguise. Cooking for ourselves, doing our own laundry, getting up on time without mom screaming into our ears, flying, visiting different places, hanging out with friends, feeling home sick, going to clubs, studying on the night before the test, cleaning our own apartment without being asked for it time and again, going to six flags, planning cross countries…… It all feels so fresh like it just happened yesterday.
When I finished my training, my flight school was going through a crisis for instructors. They desperately needed flight instructors as their shortage was delaying several students’ training and they were going into a loss. So, after I cleared my commercial pilot test flight, the school’s owner approached me and offered me to undergo further training and join them as a flight instructor. He sounded quite keen on it. He even offered me to pay the fees for further training out of the salary that would receive after I started flying with them as an instructor. More than I was tempted, I was flattered. I very politely told him that it’s a tempting offer but I couldn’t give him an answer right there. I told him I needed to think about a couple of things before I could make up my mind. The situation was quite unconvincing and stressful. As I have mentioned earlier that the training had already taken a lot longer to finish than it was supposed to, it had made most of us; me included, restless. We knew that with every day passing by, the no. of candidates for a pilot’s post in airlines in India was increasing, which meant more competition, which meant lesser chances of being able to fetch a job. At the same time, a flight instructor’s job; would have definitely given me an exposure and good experience; which would put me in a better situation to get an airline job when I came back to India. But again, the salary would be way lesser than an airline job. I was in a dilemma. The only person I could look up to at that time was my father. I called him up and told him about the situation and discussed everything in detail. He gave me an invaluable suggestion. He said something that he had always taught me since my childhood. When there is a problem, we tend to think about it so much that we forget about the broader prospect. He always said “If you are reading a book from too far, the text looks blurred. As you come closer, it becomes clearer and readable till a point where everything looks crystal clear and perfectly readable. But if we focus on one word too much and keep going closer to the book beyond that point, it will tend to get blurred again”. Same goes for problems in life. If there is a problem, we should stop thinking about it too much otherwise we would miss out on the bigger picture and the whole purpose will fail. Once we know about the problem, it’s better to take a step back and focus on the whole scenario and find a solution for it. And that’s what I did. By the way, there is a practice that I always follow. When I want to convince someone about something that I strongly believe in, I would normally say that “my father always used to say this”, even if he didn’t. This makes the whole idea more acceptable for the listener considering the fact that it’s always easier to accept something that someone more experienced than us says.
So anyway, I thought to myself that to continue staying there after the training was never a part of the plan and if I do so, it would be a decision made in haste. I had made up my mind. I went to school the next day and apologized to the school’s owner for not being able to accept the offer. So finally, my tickets were booked and I was all set to leave. 22nd April 2008. My bags were packed, documents were ready, and the passport was kept handy. I met everyone in the school before I left. Got a picture clicked with all my friends and the faculty. Though I didn’t mention about my roommates before, but that is only because I could write so much about them that I would divert from the subject. They were the best friends one could ask for. I would still like to write their names just because I know when they read this and don’t find their names in it, I’d get into trouble… hahaha… Shobhit, Niranjan and Achin. None of us knew each other before we met in the U.S., but we clicked amazingly and to have such buddies, made the whole journey a lot easier. So finally my roommates dropped me to the airport and we bid goodbyes. It was again an emotional moment for me as I was just a few hours away from being able to see my family after so long. The flight took off and with no delays, landed at New Delhi International Airport. As I got out of the airport, I saw my brother and a friend standing there. I was inexplicably happy. I hugged them and left for home. I had landed at 1am and my brother had not told my dad that I was coming as he wanted to surprise him. My mom was out of town. When we reached home, I was delighted beyond words. I walked slowly into my dad’s room. He was fast asleep. My brother woke him up and he saw me standing right there. There are hardly a couple of times I could remember seeing my dad being so happy. He hugged me and after the surprise had settled in, we started talking about my experience in the US. We talked the whole night and finally slept in the morning. My dad had got the whole house renovated and got interiors done and never told me about it as he wanted to surprise me too. After a couple of days, my mom and younger sister came back home and I met them and again there were hours and hours of interaction. All in all, it was all great.
Now, I knew what I had to do. I took ground classes again from the same trainer and gave my CPL written exams. I passed them in the first attempt with flying colors. After my results, I submitted my conversion documents with the DGCA and after a lot of run around that I was given, I finally had my Indian Commercial Pilot’s License. It felt great to know that yet another brick wall had to give up in my course of passion. Now I had everything I needed to apply for a job for airlines in India. I submitted my resume everywhere. By the time all this was done, it had already been 6 months since I returned to India. The so much talked about “global recession” that had started by the beginning of that year was at its warm up now. Day in and day out we kept hearing about companies cutting cost by letting go of their employees. Being directly related to fuel, aviation was one of the worst hit industries. The headlines claiming “pilots needed” or “crisis for pilots” were long gone. It had become a thing of the past. Forget about getting fresh employment, job retention started to look like an issue. Crew members were getting sacked left, right and center. I was worried. But at the same time, I knew that giving up was simply not an option. I kept trying here and there. Applied for all the airlines, chartered companies and every place I knew of but had to bite dust everywhere. A couple of times, I even cleared written exam for a few companies but was turned down at the interview. I was feeling very ordinary, very discouraged. Every now and then, hearing news about how bribes are being accepted to offer jobs in airlines disgusted me further. I was extremely angry and dissuaded by such activities and malpractices going on but there was not much that could be done. My father could not afford to pay another 20 lacs just to fetch me a job, and even if he could, it would have been atrocious to get involved in such activities. My upbringing and ethics kept me away from such things. Finally, after numerous attempts and equal number of failures, I thought it doesn’t make sense to do nothing in the meanwhile. While I continued to look for opportunities, I started giving ground classes to aspiring pilots. That too, did not fetch great results. Eventually, I did something that my parents never expected me to do and they were not very happy about it either. I joined a BPO. My parents thought after getting a CPL, it was lowly of me to be working in a call center. While I think there is nothing inferior or wrong about working in a BPO, but I very well agreed with the fact that what I was doing was not gainful employment. It wasn’t going to serve me at all in my career. But my perspective was that it’s better than sitting home doing nothing as it was only culturing the mould of frustration that inhabited inside me. To this point, it had never struck me that this phase could last very long… a lot longer than I thought. I thought it’s just a matter of couple of months before I get my big break and everything will fall in place on its own. Before I knew, I had already spent 2 and a half precious years of my life doing a job that was going to get me nowhere and neither did it pay very well.
I had had enough. I sat with my father and discussed everything in details with him. He had been a businessman all his life, mostly of which, was running rice industries. I had seen him doing business since I was a kid. I asked him if he thought that starting a new business is something we could succeed in. He was interested but we didn’t know what business to do. Ideas came and got eliminated due to one reason or the other…. (mostly finances). Eventually, after a lot of research on investment, returns, demand, competition, we decided to set up an industry for Polymer Fabrics. We bought a piece of land in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. My life started taking a steep turn. I have to admit, since I had become so used to getting declined, in my heart of hearts, I never believed that we could actually succeed in this. But as we started doing more and more research on it, and as we kept getting a step closer at it every day, my interest started growing exponentially. At this point, I told myself that to keep thinking about all the failures I had seen so far would not be fruitful, and that I had to forget about everything and focus all my energy into this project. As we proceeded with the project, I realized that no matter which field you go to, or which place you visit, or which new activity you take up, you ALWAYS learn something from it. Setting up this project gave me so much of knowledge that it would be silly to try explaining it. My technical grounds became very well polished. With all the construction and civil work, I learnt about structures, and during purchasing the machinery and everything else, I learnt how to deal with people. I realized what a blessing it is to have an opportunity to learn things from your father and benefit from his experience. After months and months of rigorous schedule and hard work, the factory was established. On 27th of February, 2013, we launched “Perfect Polymer Industries” in the market. I was new at this. Inexperienced, had never dealt with employees as a boss. Suddenly, taking control and leading a team of over 40 employees was very difficult. I found myself looking up to my dad again for some more guidance. He helped me a lot. I started gaining more and more confidence every day. I learnt a lot of people management skills from him. I learnt how to do accounts; which was very new to me. It was something I had never paid attention to before. Anyway, slowly, the wheel started turning and the factory seemed to be doing fair after it got into full scale production. Slowly and steadily, everything has started to fall in place and we are on our way to getting stream lined. I really love my work. My schedule is extremely hectic. There is not a single moment in the day when I can think if I have anything else to do. There is always some work that needs to be done. I am loving it. Irrespective of how much time I have devoted and how much of hard work I have put into this, and despite of the fact that I actually really love what I m doing, I still want to get back behind the yoke and soar to the skies. My professional passion still lies in flying.
So what’s the point of all this, you may ask. My point of sharing this small piece of my life with you all is not to show you how successful I am or how you can become successful. I am nowhere near being experienced enough to enlighten anyone’s path of life. As a matter of fact, one would probably think this guy just can’t stick to one line of work. The purpose behind this piece is simple. It is to help you understand that no matter which field you are in, no matter what you do ultimately in your life, SINCERETY, HARD WORK AND HUNGER FOR KNOWLEDGE are must. Call it a coincidence, but even in the dictionary, the word “Struggle” comes before “Success”. You may find a lot of people who get success without much of hard work, but trust me, there is a lot more to them than you know. Don’t waste your time waiting for success to come to you. If you haven’t worked hard, you may pretend that the whole universe is conspiring against you, but deep down within yourself, you know that you haven’t justified yourself for success to come to you. Trust me when I say this, and I m sorry to break it to you so bluntly, but the elevator to success is always out of order. You have to take the stairs. It is human nature to give up easily; for the simple reason that it is “EASY”. We always want to do easy things. We love convenient alternatives. We love short cuts. When we want to succeed in something, we try. We try once, twice, and if it still doesn’t work, we accept it as fate or try to crib about it to make ourselves feel better. What we always forget is that “Change is the only constant”. The next time you feel down and low and you come across that familiar situation “Why me?”, think of when was the last time you changed something about yourself or the way you work for things to get better for you. And be honest to yourself. Don’t expect success to come overnight to you. Its good if you’re working hard, but don’t be impulsive. Continuous hard work builds stamina. Stamina gives you patience. Success will come when you stop chasing it.

Be An Aviator not A Pilot

Be an Aviator Not a Pilot 
Shekhar Gupta 
Capt Ankisha Awasthi
Visit : 

Pilot Training School,
Pilot Training,
Pilot Course,
Pilot Jobs,
Pilot Travel Centers,
Pilot Salary,
Pilot Games,
Commercial Pilot,


P - Productivity S - Speed R - Relevancy    
Price: $20.00 USD. Approx. 22,870 words. Language: English. Published on August 23, 2013. Category: Essay. 
How to Take Off Your Professional Career from an Average to Exceptional with the Hidden PSR in You. A Book By working CEO and Manager with Day to day and live Examples How to Fight with Global Recession. By Shekhar Gupta Surbhi Maheshwari
Published: Aug. 23, 2013 
Words: 22,870 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301432448

psr Be an Aviator Not a Pilot 

is a story of Pilots in Aviation who are unable to cope. This is not a book to teach you how to get into an Aviation School or even how to live like a Pilot. In fact, it describes how one can become a Successfull Aviator not just an Airplane Driver [ So called Pilot ] with very small changes in life. Also Why abroad trained Pilots are better Aviator and Why FAA, CASA, CAAP, CAA are better civil Aviation Authority then DGCA.
Shekhar Gupta 
Ankisha Awasthi 
Be An Aviator not A Pilot     
Price: $1.99 USD. Approx. 4,750 words. Language: English. Published on July 24, 2013. Category: Fiction.  As A Fact Out Of Every 1000 Pilots Only 1 Pilot Becomes An Airline Pilot, The Book Is All About Those 999 Pilots Only.
Pilot’s Career Guide  
Price: $20.00 USD. Approx. 25,040 words. Language: English. Published on July 13, 2013. Category: Nonfiction.  
International Airline Pilot’s Career Guide Learn Step By Step How to Become an International Airlines Pilot By Shekhar Gupta And Niriha Khajanchi


Published: Aug. 26, 2013 
Words: 2,160 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301001965

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Capt. Pinaki

As a Son of AirIndia Captain I was always surrounded by Airplanes, My  Story seeks out the special few who have answered the call of the skies, proud to be counted among those with the discipline, aptitude, and courage to become Pilot. 
Life in hangars and homes, at Airport restaurants and on ramps, My Story
tells the story of flight in the words of pilot. What it means to fly
An airplane all alone for the first time on 1st Solo. What it means to fly an airplane for the
last time. The easy rapport one can have with a person who is a complete
stranger but just by sharing experience of flying.

And the excitement that consumes pilots at the opportunity to share this world
of aviation with non-Pilots, Airport communities, community leaders, and anyone
else who will listen a born Pilot.

My Story is a saga for anyone who has sat all alone in an aircraft, firewalled
the throttle, charged down the runway, and rotated. And especially for those
Who might if given the chance. For most people, the sky is the limit. For a Pilot,
the sky is home and Airplane is Office.

This is the story of the journey home. A Pilot's Story.

I am a Pilot

When I was young, I never even imagined that someday I would simply be mad
about aircrafts and flying. On my third birthday my dad asked me “what kind of Birthday cake
you want” ? My answer was so oblivious an Airplane Shaped cake.
On my trip abroad, to Singapore, I bought the Observer's Book of
Aircraft by William Green, this changed my world completely. It had all the different
kinds of aircrafts one could see at that time with their full specifications. The book
increased my vocabulary, I got to know technical details of various aircrafts, their
type, seating, power plant, cruising speed, armament, country of origin, dimensions,
service ceiling, endurance, range, etc.

Soon I was nicknamed pilot by my friends, whenever they used to see any aircraft,
they used to enquire about it from me. I started to correctly recognize even the
aircrafts which were flying at very high altitudes. Even my ears got trained for the
slightest sound  which resembled the drone of an aircraft engine. I could tell well in
advance that whether the approaching aircraft was a piston engine, a turboprop,
a jet or a chopper.

Just a single book changed my whole life, I became an aviation enthusiast. Soon I
started to buy all the good books related to aviation I could lay my hands on. By the
time I reached the age of 18 years, that is the time I finished my schooling, I had a
library, full of books on aircrafts and other related fields.

After passing my Schooling, the very next day my dad took me to the office
of the local flying club and enrolled me as a student Pilot.
Within 14 months of my joining or after exactly 15 Hrs of flying hrs on Pushpak MKI and
Cessna 150 Airplane, I was ready to go solo,
all alone, no one would accompany me, it would be just me and my Cessna 152 Airplane.
gliding, flying free, like a bird. I readied for the flight, checked the elevator, ailerons, rudder and
airbrakes, they were all working, checked the altimeter, variometer, slip-skid indicator,
pitot tube, speedometer, they all seemed well.  Wow I am a Captain [ Commanding and Piloting
Aviator In Navigation ] now.

Now I could call myself a PILOT, a real AVIATOR ....MY 1st DREAM COME TRUE...

But actual problem started after my 1st solo. Now this is the time I realise why
every Indian Pilot hates DGCA and Indian Officials. Now I was getting my flights
once a week or twice a month, amplifying my frustration. After waiting for 17 months
I got my Indian Private Pilot Certificate. Then I decided to continue my training in USA.

Land in America

Capt Richard had tough time to get me back on right flying, because of my different style and methods I
had adopted while my training in India.  Every day I was learning many new terms of flying. James Golfin
[ Jimmy ] was my flight Instructor. Jimmy was a very cool Pilot so I was bit relaxed to learn flying.


When I came back to India, we had no jobs available here, so again headed to my old flying club to
join as Assistent Pilot Instructor under the same CFI. It became very difficult for me to cope with

Indian Flying style as it seemed very old fashioned.  Adjusting with Indian flying culture I
started teaching  Pilots in Indo - US style.  I was not at all happy with the culture but had
no option, my frustration was increasing with every passing day.  But by seeing logbook getting hrs day
by day ,  I started preparation for  ATPL and did cleared all my papers as well. Still I had

about 1200Hrs, only 300hrs more to get an ATPL license.  Aviation is not so much a

profession or a hobby as it is a disease.

Air India released advertisement for Trainee Co-Pilot for Boeing 737 Aircraft. I applied and
left my API Job to prepare for my Air India exam.  Air India declared result after 9 months and
by default I got no 1 position. Thanks to my wonderful US flying Experience and awful
Indian Assistent Flight Instructor's Experience. I always told my student Pilot, Learn from
the mistakes of others -- you won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.  But they
were not much ready to listen me.

I met another Pilot Captain Sushmita [ Sush ] at DGCA office. I was stunned to see her exceptionally fair
and pretty face .Though she looked sad. I felt a strong desire to talk to her. After starting a conversation I
came to know that she has come for her Conversion from
Canadian CPL into Indian DGCA CPL.She was trying to get it since last 4 months but all in vain. I helped
her to get her license within 7 days with all formalities done. Of course
that cost us only couple of bucks before we could get CPL in hand, but that was the culture
Indian DGCA had. Sush was so happy with her license in hand, as she had lost all her hopes
before. She got very happy and excited and kissed me in DGCA office itself.

To celebrate this, I Invited  Captain Sushmita [ Sush ] at Hotel Taj for Candle
light dinner,  we both were so eager that both of us reached Taj almost an hour before our
schedule time. I proposed  Captain Sushmita just after the dinner, which  Sush
accepted immediately. This was most happening day for us and we both were in cloud nine.

Time flown very fast and it was time for Sush to get back to Canada, as her whole family lives
in Canada, even she was born and brought up in Canada.  Her Dad had a small flight school
and a Air Charter Services at a Monatoba, north Canada,  which was not doing well due
heavy recession in Aviation. Captain Sushmita, was a CFI there but she wanted to fly for an Airlines,
which was bit difficult in Canada due to recession, So she decided to get her Indian CPL.

AirIndia was suffering from heavy losses, So they cancelled further expansion plans and so no more
hiring for Trainee Co-Pilot for Boeing 737 Aircraft.  I wanted 300 more flying
hours before I could apply for issue of Indian ATPL. So I decided to join one Indian company based out of
Guwahati to fly their King Air B 200.  Though was paid peanuts.
I join to get flying hours. Was flying with Wg. Cdr. Aman Sing who was an ex Air force Pilot,  No civil
Aviation or International Aviation Exposure, but had a solid defense attitude
problem like any other defense Pilot.  As soon as I got my 1510 hrs on the Logbook I
left this job and reached again Indian DGCA with lot of documents and lot of bucks to be paid
as and when required.  At any cost I wanted to get my ATPL issued asap. Met with Mr Rajan again who was the
same tout at  DGCA who helped   Captain Sushmita  to get her Indian CPL.I paid him big amount then
usual bribe and  Rajan promised me to get my work in next 7 days. These
7 days were like 7 years for me. The only relief I had was skype and black berry
calls of Captain Sushmita [ Sush ] as she was the only soul on the earth who could understand my

Monday sharp 1000 hrs I was at DGCA looking for Mr Rajan, but he was not there till
1030, I made a call to him on his mobile which was coming switched off  and No reply at home landline,
so I  reached DGCA reception, but my documents were not there. Receptionist was not ready to
listen to me. I paid him big bucks, to get him ready to hear me.  After taking big bribe he
opened his mouth and inform me that no file is there in Indian DGCA office even.  At 1300hrs Rajan
picked up his mobile phone and informed me that he is in Banglore due some important work and DGCA
has rejected his ATPL application as he needs minimum 1000hrs as
PIC to get his ATPL issued. And if he needs his papers back he would needs to pay high sum of money
to another DGCA agent Mr Kuldeep.I paid and got my original documents back. I thought At least I have
live Indian CPL in hand.

I felt very depressed and helpless with the situation,  Captain Sushmita invited me  at her flight school to
get Canadian ATPL. I immediately accepted the offer and made myself busy in doing all the preparation
to reach Canada.Once completed with formalities I flown to Monterial with my Dad Captain Ravi
who was in operation of same sector on Boeing 747.

In the flight to Canada I was undergoing mix emotions of fear and excitement.  Yet, managed to keep my
mind focused and kept reminding myself that whatever is happening in my life is happening for good.
All my worries vanished as I saw Captain Sushmita holding a board with the title “Captain Champ” written
in it. Champ is what she calls me with love. I embraced her and realizing my father’s presence controlled
my emotions. We went straight to her house.
After food and taking rest, we headed to the flying club.
I liked the place the moment we entered the flying club.
The big hall was flooded with aircraft models. Charts, poster and moreover spacious hall.
When I saw the fleet of aircraft, I felt as if I got back to life.
I was overjoyed and was thrilled to revive my previous training days.
I was introduced with Bob, who will be my new flight instructor. Because of high spirit and enthusiasm
My training went really at good pace with my stunning performance. In few weeks I felt as if I have
become a new person with energy, focus and happiness. Flying became part of me. Moreover company of
Sushmita added further wings. I was totally in love with her. We started remaining together for
most of the time. I was free to express my affection for her.She took me to all the exotic places of the city.
Initially I was shy as to show my affection to her in public. But she being rather bold never missed a
chance to hug me, kiss me or rather dance in my arms in public. Her open affection made me also
comfortable and we use to cuddle each other quite often in public. She soon became a non detachable
part of me. It was not just her beauty, but her heart, understanding and love for aircraft which made me
crazy for her.Soon I got my ATPL issued in Canada. I was given offer of being flight instructor there , I
gave required exams  and started working there. Even with less number of students we were doing
good. Later through an old friend of mine I heard about “Mission to Canada” campaign started by
Canadian government. They had an amazing vision of providing low cost, but high standard training.
Strictly following ATAC(Air Transport Association of Canada) , I was impressed by their plans, and made
an appointment and fixed our flying
club under them. It was through their wonderful planning that we could receive good number of students
from India. Our students were happy as well with the timely and quality training provided. Thanks to my
previous experience in India I was able to understand their urgency and mindset. Sush’s father Mr.Robin
was the owner of the flying club. He was very happy with the development that his club made. Reading
our mind and seeing us happy together he himself initiated and offered me proposal of wedding with
Sush.I was overjoyed.I gave the news to my parents and they were joyous as well.
Having a person who understands you so well as a life partner was a present by god.
My parents wanted us to get married in India with full traditional style. Though Sush had this wired fantasy
of getting married in air!! I came up with best planning. I said WILCO to both. Yes, we actually got married
Twice!Although I m so happy now when I look back and recall our experiences.
Firstly we were married in Indian style. All Sush’s relatives and friends joined us in India and we had a
Beautiful and rather vibrant marriage .Here in India wedding is a gigantic affair. All immense colourful
events and customs with Indian ethical wear did made us feel like King and Queen.We both thoroughly
enjoyed our wedding. Beside watching Sush and her realtives in Indian attire was a pleasure to eyes.
After lengthy list of rituals and ceremonies in India and abundant of food , love and blessing we left back
to Canada.

And yes this was the time to do the crazy thing.
Well we did not exactly got married in air, actually we decorated the entire hanger and the
ceremony was conducted there with our guest sitting right in front of us, our common favorite aircraft
PA-38 , Seneca was kept right behind us, beautifully decorated and yes we got married there , and Sush
Was in beautiful white gown beating any Hollywood actress.
But to keep Sush happy , our first kiss after marriage was kept for flight in Seneca, thanks to autopilot in
the instrument panel.

Today after four years we run Two flying clubs which are doing great comprising of our own hand picked
aircraft fleet and master trainers.I and Sush are always happy and bubbly and if anybody ask the Secret
we tell them that we are always surrounded with something we are both passionate about , we don’t work
but rather we FLY !

-Ankisha Awasthi

Be an Aviator Not a Pilot

Fiction » Horror » General
Fiction » Adventure » General
Cover for 'Be An Aviator not A Pilot'By AeroSoft Corp
Published:  2013
Words: 4,750 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301083244

Short description

As A Fact Out Of Every 1000 Pilots Only 1 Pilot Becomes An Airline Pilot, The Book Is All About Those 999 Pilots Only.

Extended Description 

Be an Aviator Not a Pilot is a story of Pilots in Aviation who are unable to cope. This is not a book to teach you how to get into an Aviation School or even how to live like a Pilot. In fact, it describes how one can become a Successfull Aviator not just an Airplane Driver [ So called Pilot ] with very small changes in life. Also Why abroad trained Pilots are better Aviator and Why FAA, CASA, CAAP, CAA are better civil Aviation Authority then DGCA.

Shekhar Gupta
Ankisha Awasthi

They keep Crying.. They keep Yelling

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Cheers to an Aviator’s Spirit

They keep Crying..
They keep Yelling
Show me the graphs...
Sometimes Blame 
Global Aviation Recession..

Some times the Stars
They say its High Time now
Girl, You gotta move on somehow.
Its been years... Nothing have changed..
You still stand in the same place where you were raised

They say World is Moving..get another field
U might discover another way to hold a new shield. 
No jobs coming,  no Airlines Showing
You need to be Mature and get going.
Yes to the Family, yes to the World.
I have been dipping my finger in the new
Which were at Times Straight at Times curled,
No matter how much I put in
No matter how much I do

Deep down the Pilot still dream to Flew
To the world out there, you have not Flown
It’s a voyage for you unknown
That feeling you don’t know
That Joy you have not lived..
Rising  above the Clouds
Maneuver in the Air

Landing  Big  Machine, back with the care

This is to the world
I know one day will come
When I will Spread my Wing
It may take time
But certain that one day I will Climb
I have tasted it once, and will again get the Clearance
All I need is to show the persistence  will keep trying, face the rough winds
And make it High

Focused on my Approach and on the path
I can Feel the Sky ,don’t you get the wrath  
For all the Fellow Pilots
I know we are almost there, time has come

We will all Rise,
Just keep pouring the fuel
Once it ignites, you will Climb
All we need is to Navigate through this tough time with calm
Clarity, toughness and wait for our chance.
Unexpected headwinds may delay our Destination

Success is Guaranteed if we keep pursuing the right Direction- 
It’s the Final Moment, let’s be Vigorous
Lets Pour our Best

Victory we will Achieve and live with Full  Zest.
Sky has Never been the Limits
Cheers to an Aviator’s Spirit !!

-Ankisha Awasthi

Be an Aviator Not a Pilot

Fiction » Horror » General
Fiction » Adventure » General
Cover for 'Be An Aviator not A Pilot'By AeroSoft Corp
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: July 24, 2013
Words: 4,750 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301083244

Short description

As A Fact Out Of Every 1000 Pilots Only 1 Pilot Becomes An Airline Pilot, The Book Is All About Those 999 Pilots Only.

Extended Description 

Be an Aviator Not a Pilot is a story of Pilots in Aviation who are unable to cope. This is not a book to teach you how to get into an Aviation School or even how to live like a Pilot. In fact, it describes how one can become a Successfull Aviator not just an Airplane Driver [ So called Pilot ] with very small changes in life. Also Why abroad trained Pilots are better Aviator and Why FAA, CASA, CAAP, CAA are better civil Aviation Authority then DGCA.

Shekhar Gupta
Ankisha Awasthi

They keep Crying.. They keep Yelling

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Capt Gulab Singh

I was never sure why my friend always called me Mr. Lucky,
 I use to wonder we all go to same school,
Studies with the same teacher and do the homework but cause of my rich family background I was envied by most.
They use to comment -that I have all the property of my father, I am secure and I don't have to work hard and struggle like the way they will have too.
 I will get it all from my father. They will be the one struggling.
Anyway that was their point of view. What none realised is the responsibility I hold in my shoulders, and beside they will get a chance to begin from the scratch, they can learn step by step and also can afford to make mistake and correct, but for me, being the son from the royal family, everyone's expectation was way higher. Nobody considered even once that I can be anything less than my father and
 I too can have my own dreams to chase.
But I learned early in my life, that not only my family but rather our entire town expected me to be adept and handle my father business like everyone else in family with mastery and precision.
So I obeyed the destiny and came up with my father after finishing studies. As per our tradition I was married at early age.
I kept on following my duties and went on working hard day and night, considering this as my sole aim in life.
At age of 32, I was successful; I loved my family business and was attached very much with everything my family owned,
Yet I was somewhere not happy, as I should, I was proud of everything we own but still I felt an emptiness inside.
Finally I took courage and shared idea with my wife about my greatest dream of childhood, which was lost somewhere in growing .I, told her that-“I always aspire to become a pilot one day. But looking at the need of mine in business with Baba I kept the dream hidden to myself.
Always thought it’s not the right time. First I will finish up my duties and then live for myself.
But I think now life is uncertain, if I will keep waiting for the right time I might never fulfil my dream,
So thought of seizing the moment and do it now.” 
She encouraged the idea, and said me to proceed with it. I was greatly touched by her response because I have thought of sharing this idea with my father, with my
Mother and even with her so many times but was never able too. What she said in response is something I can never forget.

She said-"Why not! Of course you should go for it. You have achieved so much in life and you took your family business so high and have been a wonderful partner, I would like you to live for yourself too. Pursuing your hobby won't take your business down; rather the happiness and energy it will generate in you will take your business to greater heights. We are most productive, when we are happy and involve in activity we love. I will support you."
So that day I took the decision to go for achieving Commercial Pilot License.
With our family business of Heritage hotels, it was not that easy to go and get trained.
I searched the nearest flying club and got enrolled in Rajasthan flying club for my training.
But time was hard on me. When my flying started, club got closed.
I also tried in Karnal and Delhi flying club, but they all also got shut. It was frustrating, but I wanted to complete my training. Finally I came to Madhya Pradesh flying club. Here I completed my Commercial Pilot Training. After receiving my CPL I went to USA for my multi training.
Flying the planes really gave a new meaning to my life. I became more energetic and enthusiastic. Flying became such an essential part of me that now I always wanted to be around planes.
I somehow managed to be an RT officer in my city airport handling our business along.
I was in seventh cloud the day I got selected as co-pilot in Air India. I felt as king of the world, with the power to fly the greatest machine which I always wanted too. But I felt to reality soon, when I realised my dreams will be unacceptable to the family and business we own. I won’t be able to work from my city. I was sad. But then I thought getting a CPL is itself a big victory in my life. I can anytime go to the flying club and fly. After that I gave myself completely to my business. Expanding the chain, organising them, conducting events, and publishing to attract the tourist. Life went on around hotels and time went on like slipping sand from hand.       
Our hotels soon became centre of attraction for tourist from country and abroad, as a result of my policy and offers. We were focusing most on services, we started with our hotels taxi and while getting the people from airport or railway station ,our man in taxi would ask about all liking and disliking of the person and family ,then message by phone to staff regarding, so we could choose room and decorate as per choice, focusing on favourite flowers, colours .
After that food was the next priority, I use to call certain house makers female, who were expert in local food, pay them well and they too would happily join where they can earn too without giving many hours. This ladies were specialised in cooking, no cook could beat them, my customers from outside loved it.
I was enjoying my business, everyday was different like landing an aircraft, you could never judge until you do it, coming with new challenges all the time, call it bumpy or smooth. All I knew was to keep my throttle full, keep giving my best. Whenever I felt low I use to relate my situation with a flight and how we manage there without delay taking situation in full control. You have to take some action in flight, that’s the best and even worst part of flying.

“So in life”, I thought.
I wanted to attract even VIP’s to stay in my hotel.
Once we were contacted by “Cruise by local” from Canada.
They wanted to book rooms, and will be shooting in all over Rajasthan showing all the places in the states and highlighting the cultural history.
And it will be broadcasted all over the world!!
I and my entire team were overjoyed.  This is what we called VVVIP.
As they landed in Jaipur airport, we had our team to receive them.
They were team of six people.
They were generally out busy for shooting and did appreciate our service.
I came with my entire family on the day decided for shooting our hotel.
All my staffs were dressed in their best without even me instructing so.
Everyone wants to come in T.V, I thought.
We were earning good publicity, thanks to them.
They were white as milk, spotless skin; both males and females were equally admirable. Not everyone present there could catch up with their accent.
My people were providing them with the best facilities.
They wanted to go to Jag Mandir palace in Udaipur.
But there booked morning flight got cancelled due technical issues.
It was there second last day in country and they badly needed to go,
As there arrangement in Udaipur was already made and their entire planning for visiting places on scheduled would be effected.
I wanted to help them; I called a helicopter company which denied.
I told them it’s an issue for the image of country but he ignored.
I was calling everywhere I can as I have assured them to help.
But to no avail, even tried with flying club for Cessna but same answer.
It was frustrating to see a foreign soul disappointed with my countries management.
We managed a jeep for the team which would take 6 hrs, but that was the only choice. They left but I could see everyone dispirited.

I wanted to take an action, immediate action.
I went home in early hours and slept with the thought that I will resolve this situation.
When I got up it was dinner time.
I went to dining and was glowing like tower..Of course I mean ATC beacons.
My wife asked –“what is the matter with you; when you entered home you appeared so dull and are beaming with energy now”.
I have decided; I said.
What have you decided-she asked looking confused.
I will get my own helicopters.
What!! She was startled.
She asked again,” are you saying it sarcastically or you are actually out of your head”.
“But Sweetheart I mean it, imagine owning a helicopter would save so much of our time, it will be dynamite for my business and a piece of attraction with tourist”, I said enthusiastically.
She asked with an unconvinced tone -“How much does a helicopter cost?”
“Good question let me Google it”. I checked on net and said –“somewhere around 13 to 15 Corers  .For maintenance costs, fuel, parking and other costs I will have to consult”.
My wife gave me a sceptical look, she did not appeared very convinced nor did my other family members. My family always believe in being affluent, living luxurious life, but owning a helicopter was miles from their craziest dream.
I had a strong feeling that this decision of mine is right and will be a positive change beside I could recall how my grandfather was opposed with the idea of hotel chains in his time.
I immediately went to my flying club, shared my idea and inquired about the right person to reach for the guidance of the procedure and requirements. I got a positive response and they guided me well. After studying the market of helicopters in India I realised it is actually a major field still explored only by few, and can bring a radical change in my business. I planned how I will be using it for all VIP guests, how it will aid in my business trips. With time I discovered many other fields like using it for rich guests, also giving it for rent during election, crop spraying.
Best part was there were very few competitors and I wanted to establish a standard for all.
My experience in business and deep love for aviation kept me going. I studied all the requirements of DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) and home ministry. Went on full stream to get all the approvals. It took me more than a year and myriad rounds to DGCA office, Delhi, to cross the obstacles, fulfil their requirements and to get all the licenses cleared.
It was challenging but I was so determined, that I was enjoying the journey, the harder it got the more I wanted to achieve, Flying has that thrill in it and it kept me alive.
My business did suffer during that phase but I knew in long run this will take us higher.
As time passed, things started shaping in our favour. I got leased helicopters, got arrangement for money, and after initial struggle things automatically started falling in the place. I started getting support from my family as well.
On top of it , the attachment and love I felt for my work increased exponentially .Today I feel proud to announce that my company Saarthi airways owns wide range of helicopters and aircrafts .We are involved not only with my hotel guests but also for Air taxi operations, medical evacuation , air ambulance ,political flying ,films shooting , aerial photography.
My personal, social and professional life has witness an exponential growth since I got involve into flying.
I feel elated to see my customers satisfied and confident with the flights.
When I look back and see my journey I now know that starting a helicopter company was one of the best decisions I took.
If asked to summarize my life in a line I would say –“Follow your heart, go for your passion and success will be yours.
Sky is the limit.”


P - Productivity S - Speed R - Relevancy   
Price: $20.00 USD. Approx. 22,870 words. Language: English. Published on August 23, 2013. Category: Essay.
How to Take Off Your Professional Career from an Average to Exceptional with the Hidden PSR in You. A Book By working CEO and Manager with Day to day and live Examples How to Fight with Global Recession. By Shekhar Gupta Surbhi Maheshwari
Published: Aug. 23, 2013
Words: 22,870 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301432448

psr Be an Aviator Not a Pilot

is a story of Pilots in Aviation who are unable to cope. This is not a book to teach you how to get into an Aviation School or even how to live like a Pilot. In fact, it describes how one can become a Successfull Aviator not just an Airplane Driver [ So called Pilot ] with very small changes in life. Also Why abroad trained Pilots are better Aviator and Why FAA, CASA, CAAP, CAA are better civil Aviation Authority then DGCA.
Shekhar Gupta
Ankisha Awasthi 
Be An Aviator not A Pilot    
Price: $1.99 USD. Approx. 4,750 words. Language: English. Published on July 24, 2013. Category: Fiction.  As A Fact Out Of Every 1000 Pilots Only 1 Pilot Becomes An Airline Pilot, The Book Is All About Those 999 Pilots Only.
Pilot’s Career Guide 
Price: $20.00 USD. Approx. 25,040 words. Language: English. Published on July 13, 2013. Category: Nonfiction. 
International Airline Pilot’s Career Guide Learn Step By Step How to Become an International Airlines Pilot By Shekhar Gupta And Niriha Khajanchi

Cabin Crew Career Guide

Published: Aug. 26, 2013 
Words: 2,160 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301001965

March 2025